Saturday, June 1, 2013

Nicole aka The Slave Driver

There was no sleeping in this morning for this woman. Nicole wanted me over at 10:00 am. She had some last minute things she wanted to complete before her baby shower on the 8th. We painted and then painted some more. I didn't think we ever were going to finish painting, neither did Haylee. She wanted Nicole and I to go swimming with her and Dave but we ended up not having enough time. We also organized the twin's room, went to Target and Kohl's then came back and did a little more in the twin's room. Their room is looking awesome. Can't wait for Nicole to post pictures so you can see it. She has done a great job decorating their room. On the way home I had to make a stop for Kimberly so I didn't get home till 7:00. It was a long day and I am pooped. My right shoulder and arm are hurting from painting so much. Since I wasn't home all day I started on some chores after I ate dinner which I'm not going to complete tonight, I'll have to finish tomorrow.