Thursday, March 20, 2014

Hate Being Sick

It has been a rough couple of weeks of being sick. I have been fighting sinus issues since mid February so it just kept getting worse.

It started out on Sunday, the 9th, when I started getting an ear ache. Through out the night I was up several times taking medicine for the pain. My ear was crackling, which I couldn't stand, so it was hard to sleep. I woke up on Monday morning with fluid draining from my ear and it was clogged, I couldn't hear out of it. Along with the ear ache I have had a cough and hoarseness too. So I decided it was time to go to the doctor since my ear was killing me and it was draining fluid. My allergist wasn't available till Tuesday so I just went into walk in at family practice. Come to find out I had an ear infection and bronchitis. My doctor prescribed an antibiotic, two cough medicines (one for daytime and one for night) and pain medicine for my ear. After, the appointment I went back to work for the rest of the day.

When I woke up on Tuesday I was so out of it from the night time cough medicine that I was dizzy and just feeling weak and tired so I decided to stay home in bed. Jeff had been working on nights so when he got home he started to take care of me. He called Paul for me and told him I would be out and then he came to bed with me. He got up a few hours later to fix me something to eat. Poor guy didn't get much sleep that day but luckily Monday was his last day on nights. I ended up staying in bed all day.

Wednesday, I ended up staying home again. I still was feeling dizzy and sick to my stomach. I think it was from all the drainage I was having. I hated calling out sick two days in a row especially since it was a payroll week. I usually use my four sick days as personal days or vacation days. Now I only have one left for the whole year. I slowly started to feel better by week end.

Haylee was complaining about her ear so Nicole took her to the doctor on Thursday and come to find out she had an ear infection too. Then this past Tuesday Nicole had to take Jackson to the doctor and he also has an ear infection. Hopefully, we are done with ear infections since things run in threes.

Yesterday, I had a 6-month allergy follow-up appointment with my allergist. Since I had completed my antibiotic on Wednesday my ear was still clogged so I told him about my illness. So he checked my ears and I still have fluid in my left ear. So he gave me a prescription for another antibiotic and steroids. He said if I don't feel better in a week to come back. I am so ready to be done with all this sickness.


  1. Now, poor Noah has a double ear infection. Nicole was up with him all night last night and just left the doctor's office. Now that is five ear infections in one family! Crazy!

  2. So glad you are much better now Shaun. Mom
