Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 2 on Diet

This week wasn't as great as last week. I have lost a total of 4.6 lbs. so far. I figure last week's weight loss was water weight and this week is actually weight. I'm basically doing what I did last time on this diet, losing weight very slow.

I have slowed down on my water which I know is a bad thing and that could be another reason why I didn't lose as much but I don't plan on drinking eight glasses of water a day forever, I just can't do it. I usually drink about four glasses in the morning then unsweetened tea or Diet Coke for lunch and about two more glasses of water in the evening.

The food I had this week was about the same as last week. I did go to Chick-fil-a a lot for their grilled chicken nuggets instead of eating a salad for lunch. We are suppose to eat as much protein as we want and believe me I'm doing it.

For dinner there were the old staples of chicken and tilipia. I did make an oven roasted barbecue chicken one evening. It was pretty good and Jeff loved it. It had reduced sugar ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, agave nectar, chili powder and cumin. Jeff liked the spiciness of it. It was a little spicy at first till I got use to it and it will make your nose run. So if you want your sinuses opened up, make this. I tried a new recipe of balsamic roasted carrots which I love. Nicole made the same recipe and didn't like them too much. We had turkey meatloaf one night which was pretty good too. It didn't have bread crumbs or oatmeal in it which is surprising for meatloaf but it did hold together.

I am still eating fruit or carrots during the day for snacks and almonds in the evening. I ran out of yogurt during the week so I didn't eat that some days. You are suppose to have that twice a day.

I went to Wal-Mart yesterday after church and got more fruit, oranges and red grapes, and yogurt. So I'm set for the rest of the week. This weekend Jeff and I will go to the grocery store and shop for two weeks worth, I just wanted to get items that will last me till then.

I have three more days on Cycle 1. I'm suppose to move to Cycle 2 on Thursday but I probably won't till we can get back to the store this weekend. I can start adding pork, red meat, brown rice, potatoes, new fruit and vegetables back in on Cycle 2. I'll weigh myself again on Thursday morning since I will start Cycle 2 then. I don't expect to lose any weight between now and then but we shall see.


  1. Well Shaun I think you are doing pretty good on your diet. You are losing. They said it is pretty if it comes off slowly. For me to lose weight I can have like only 800 calories a day which is very discouraging. Keep it up!

  2. Wow. I'm allowed 1200 calories a day. Some days I get close and some days are below 1000. I would be discouraged too with only 800 calories a day. That's not good or healthy.
