Sunday, May 26, 2013

Strawberry Festival

Every year we try to go to the Strawberry Festival in Pungo, it's held on Memorial Day weekend. On the way to the festival we stopped and picked up Dave, Nicole and Haylee as we were going over to their house afterwards. Plus we pass their house on the way to the festival so it just made sense. We met Kimberly, Jacob, Kylie and Brayden at the festival listening to Kimberly's friend, Kerri, sing.

Haylee and I listening to Kerri sing. We soon left there as the kids were getting restless so it was time to ride some carnival rides. It seems like the tickets get more expensive every year and most rides take three tickets even the kids rides. I just think that's crazy.

After the rides it was on to the agriculture area where they could ride ponies and pet some animals.

Brayden didn't want to ride any ponies so he just watched. He said "I stay here".

Haylee petting a five week old goat. He is a twin and his mommy only wanted one kid so the man holding the goat is his new mommy.

Brayden, Haylee and Kylie petting a rabbit.

After the agriculture area Kimberly, Jacob, Kylie and Brayden left to go to a cookout with Jacob's family and the rest of us went and found some good food to eat. After we fed our tummies it was time for more rides, Haylee had a few tickets left that she needed to use. Then we headed back to Nicole, Dave, and Haylee's house. Nicole had a few projects for Jeff to do. By the time Jeff finished the projects it was time for dinner so we went to Applebee's. Afterwards, we went our separate ways, Jeff and I went home and Nicole and Haylee went home. It was a nice day to spend outside with family.  

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