Friday, August 9, 2013

Jackson's Complications

Poor Jackson has had a rough start. He came into this world via emergency c-section and now he has been moved to the Special Nursery. Since he was so small he couldn't maintain his body temperature so he was moved to the Special Nursery during the night, his blood sugar was also low.

Kimberly's hand next to Jackson so you can see how tiny he is.


On my way back to the hospital that evening with Jeff and Haylee we stopped outside the hospital to see the Nightingale helicopter.

and we got to see it take off

Haylee thought that it was so neat to watch it take off. She was holding on to the fence so she wouldn't blow away and it was hard for me to try and stay still to take pictures. 

big sister, Haylee, holding Noah

grandpa's turn

Nicole holding Jackson in the Special Nursery

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