Sunday, April 20, 2014


We celebrated Easter at Nicole and Dave's house as the weather wasn't cooperating and we had it at Kimberly and Jacob's house last year. So we had to hide eggs in the house again. 

We did something a little different this year. We assigned Kylie, Haylee and Brayden different colored eggs and they were only allowed to find those colors. Kylie got purple and blue, Haylee got pink and orange and Brayden got green and yellow. We had some special eggs that were filled with both candy and money and each kid were allowed so many of those. It worked out pretty well. We had no fighting as each one of them got the same amount of eggs.

Dare's granddaughter was raising money for a church youth trip for this summer and she was selling Easter eggs. I got to pick out the color of the eggs and the filling. I just went with peanut butter as I didn't think they would like cherry, coconut or the other fillings.

On this Easter day
May the joy of Christ's resurrection
Live in your heart today
And always

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