Monday, December 16, 2013

Haylee and Brayden's School Christmas Program

Today was Haylee and Brayden's Christmas Program at school. I like to go to the kids school programs as much as I can. I missed their Thanksgiving program as I was in Asheville on that day.

This year the kids wore their pajamas to school and between the songs they were read a Christmas story, The Greatest (Bedtime) Story. They sung Mary Sang a Happy Song, Away in a Manger, Jesus Came, The Shepherds' Lambs, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Haylee and Brayden singing Away in the Manger (more videos on Facebook)

Haylee is in Dance Makers at school and she performed in two songs, Mele Kalikimaka and Feliz Navidad. 

After the program there were refreshments, cookies and punch.

I just love seeing kids sing and perform. It's so cute watching them wave to their mom and dad in the audience.

Great job Haylee and Brayden!

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