Monday, March 24, 2014

Jeff Has a Clavicle Fracture

On the 14th Jeff fell down the back stairs that goes outside and landed on his right shoulder. Evidently, Tristan was beating up Tippie and he was running outside to break it up and tripped on the door seal and down he went.

For the first day or so he put ice on it but that didn't seem to help too much. He has also been taking ibuprofen and last week he went and bought an arm sling which has been helping some.

Friday he was still complaining about how much it hurt and he still couldn't lift his arm up or use it that much so finally I made him call the doctor. He had an appointment this morning.

Come to find out he has clavicle fracture (broken collarbone). It's were it attaches to the scapula (shoulder blade). The doctor prescribed an arm sling and ibuprofen and it will take about a month to heal. Jeff said it was a simple fracture, just a hairline one. The doctor said for him to do as much as he feels comfortable so it doesn't stiffen up.

Jeff was worried about going to the doctor because he was afraid of what they may say, he thought he might need surgery. Thankfully, he doesn't.

Jeff is right handed so this has been tough on him so please keep him in your prayers that he has a speedy recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a speedy recovery for you Jeff. Mom
