Saturday, June 15, 2013

More Organizing

Today Nicole wanted to go to Target and spend her gift card that she got at her baby shower. She needed a couple more items that she didn't get at the shower. So after I got up and around I left for her house. Then on to Target we went. Nicole had a list of items she needed and I was in charge of that list. They had an awful selection on baby socks and receiving blankets which were on her list. It doesn't seem like they have the best selection on baby accessories. Nicole has plenty of clothes for a newborn baby but no preemie clothes and we figure the babies will be in preemie clothes for a couple weeks, especially since Haylee was in them for a week or so and she was 6 lbs. 12 oz. when she was born.  So we decided to head on over to Once Upon a Child which is a consignment shop for kids. We found a couple sleepers that actually had a match to them so she got them and she also bought 10 onesies which were on sale for a $1 each. They didn't have many preemie outfits so she didn't get any of them. I found several boy toys to add to our toy collection.

I almost didn't get the train as we already have a plastic one but I like wood toys and it came with all the pieces so I decided to go ahead and get it anyway. Of course, the helicopter and bus didn't come with batteries so I need to get some for those toys. I think we need to take stock in batteries as we have a lot of toys that need batteries. On the way back to Nicole's we stopped at Subway and grabbed lunch. After lunch we started putting away all the clothes she had washed that she got at the shower. We ended up running out of baby hangers and had to use the hangers that the clothes came with, luckily she had kept those just in case we needed them. I had bought 20 hangers thinking that would be enough but evidently not. Here is a picture of the twins' closet after we got done hanging up everything.

I think they are pretty set on clothes for a couple months. The newborn size in on the left and 3 months is on the right and bigger sizes down below. We also but away the socks, sleepers, nightgowns, onesies, shorts and pants in the dresser. There isn't much room for anything more. Nicole also packed the diaper bag to take to the hospital with outfits, sleepers and nightgowns and miscellaneous items. The diaper bag is pretty much done, now she just needs to work on her bag.

After we got done organizing all the clothes it was time to swim. Kylie was spending the night so Kimberly brought her over to swim before I took her home.

Haylee is shooting Kylie with a water gun

Kylie jumping off the diving board

It was hard getting those girls out of the pool to dry off. They are both fish and could stay in the pool for hours. Kylie and I left around 5:00 to meet Jeff at Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. Kylie and I barely got five minutes down the road and she was out. Poor kid ended up waking up with a neck ache.

When we got home Kylie played outside with Jeff for a couple hours. She rode the Barbie jeep and ended up meeting some new friends, two houses down from us. You can never say that Kylie is shy or bashful about meeting new people, especially other kids. By the time she came in and watched TV for a little bit to wind down she didn't get to bed till after 9:30.

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