Saturday, May 25, 2013


Today was a fun filled day of chores. Not much fun really unless you like that sort of stuff. It was the normal laundry, vacuuming, and moping a lot of hard wood floors. Now I know why I rarely do that, it's hard work people. You notice I left out dusting. Well dusting is definitely not on my list of fun or chores. Since I am allergic to dust and I lose my voice when I do that lovely chore I leave it to Jeff or when company comes into town.

In the afternoon I decided to spray the weeds around the fence line. These beautiful boys, Tristan and Alasdair,

decided to follow me around while I was spraying. Alasdair kept laying in the shade from the fence so I had to keep yelling at him to move. He wanted to be right where I was spraying, bad boy.

Today is our son-in-law's, Dave's, birthday.
Happy Birthday, Dave! May all your birthday wishes come true!

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