Monday, February 17, 2014


I haven't been on Goodreads in a while. I used to go on there and look at their giveaways at least once a week and enter them. I look for romance, Christian, children's books and anything else that looks good.

So I decided to go back on there a couple weeks ago and enter some giveaways.

Well, on the 14th I won this book. There were 10 books given out of 741 entries.

Then on the 15th I won this children's book. There were 25 copies given out of 611 entries.

Then on the 16th I won another children's book. There were 10 copies given out of 898 entries. At least my grandchildren's library is growing at our house.

It's funny how I can enter a lot of giveaways and not win anything so I stop entering for awhile. Then start back up and win a couple books then nothing. I guess it's worth entering though even if the chances aren't in my favor.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Brayden!

It's the birthday dinosaurs
and they want to say...


Which is dinosaur-talk for
"Have big fun on your birthday"!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Brayden!

We love you!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Winter Storm Pax

Today I left work about 15 minutes early due to snow. Jeff said it was coming down pretty good at our house and that I should come home.

The weather called for snow showers changing over to rain and the temps in the high 30's. Evidently, the weather people got it wrong, once again. This is what I saw when I got home.

Some of the bridges on the highway and the country roads had some snow on them. I pretty much followed a car home that was only driving about 30 mph which was good for me. I hate driving slow and have someone behind be riding my bumper. At least this time I had a reason to be driving slow, thank you car in front of me. I'm sure the truck behind me didn't like it but I would rather be safe than end up in a ditch somewhere.

By the time I got home it was a mixture of snow and freezing rain and finally a couple hours later it had switched over to all rain and the temps started to go up. By morning this should be all gone.